Termékek ulterápia arckezelés (60)

Centrifugált Hajmaszk

Centrifugált Hajmaszk

La Maschera Capelli Centrifugato è un trattamento ristrutturante a pH acido, ideale per capelli trattati, deboli e danneggiati. Arricchita con Liquepom®, un principio brevettato da pomodoro bio toscano, questa maschera offre proprietà antiossidanti e protettive anti-pollution. L'oleolito di carota bio toscana, combinato con Liquepom®, apporta un mix di vitamine vegetali che nutrono e rivitalizzano i capelli senza appesantirli, lasciandoli corposi, morbidi e piacevolmente profumati. Le fresche note verdi-fruttate della profumazione, conforme al disciplinare AIAB, aggiungono un tocco di freschezza al trattamento. Questa maschera è dedicata a chi ha capelli sfibrati, trattati, deboli e danneggiati, offrendo un trattamento mirato restitutivo e rinforzante. È ideale anche come trattamento di mantenimento per preservare il capello sano e lucido, da alternare agli abituali prodotti. Consigliata come impacco pre-shampoo sui capelli umidi o come trattamento sulle lunghezze dei capelli lavati, la Maschera Capelli Centrifugato si integra perfettamente nella routine di cura dei capelli, offrendo risultati visibili e duraturi.
Hidratáló Arcpakolás

Hidratáló Arcpakolás

Protective complex active : Oligogeline® protects and reinforces epidermis functionality. The film-forming effect allows to reduce water evaporation, leading to a better epidermis hydration. This active ingredient helps to repair a damaged epidermis with its film-forming properties. It also stimulates keratinization through its mineral composition. Marine active ingredients : One of the main components of the skin, the collagen is responsible for the skin’s elasticity and resistance. The marine collagen has exceptional moisturizing and filmogenic properties. It restructures the skin and fights against skin ageing,Laminar seaweed extract : Laminarias are rich in mineral salts, vitamins and trace elements. These algaes have a remineralizing action and reinforce the hydrolipidic film of the skin. Moreover, they strengthen and firm up the skin.
Illóolajok Öregedése

Illóolajok Öregedése

Peroxydation et réaction intra-moléculaire Les huiles d’olive deviennent rance au cours du temps. Le rancissement est une modification chimique des structures moléculaire des huiles végétales. Les mêmes mécanismes chimiques opèrent aussi sur les huiles essentielles. La présence d’oxygène naturellement dissous dans les huiles, initie ces réactions chimiques. Elles s’accélèrent en présence de lumière, d’air, de sauts de température ou de diverses impuretés. Le mécanisme réactionnel de ce « vieillissement » se divise en deux étapes: la peroxydation et les réactions intramoléculaires (ou phase de propagation). La littérature scientifique décrit plusieurs exemples de peroxydation. Voici celui du linalol abondemment présent dans les huiles essentielles. (Exemple: lavande, lavandin, thym à linalol, bois de rose, sauge sclarée, etc). Dans ce shéma, le linalol subit en premier une peroxydation. Elle produit un nouveau composé: le 7-dydroperoxy-3,7-dimethyl-octa-1,5-diene-3-ol.
Antioxidáns Arcápoló Szérum Lifting Hatással

Antioxidáns Arcápoló Szérum Lifting Hatással

Questo siero viso antiossidante effetto lift di BIOKOSMO è formulato con una miscela di oligopeptidi ad effetto lift ed anti-age, attivi come l’estratto di Fico d’India e di Avocado biologici siciliani, l’estratto di Bacche di Goji biologiche dalle qualità antiossidanti, e la Caffeina. La sinergia di questi ingredienti naturali dona alla pelle un aspetto levigato, luminoso e compatto, grazie all’idratazione profonda. L’effetto lift infine, potenziato dagli agenti antiossidanti naturali, riduce i segni del tempo donando alla pelle un aspetto giovane e disteso. Questo siero, a rapido assorbimento lascia la pelle idratata, compatta e morbida. Prodotto al 100% in Italia, è perfetto da usare mattina e sera dopo la detersione e prima della crema viso antiossidante effetto lift per mantenere un incarnato giovane e levigato. 30 ml CODICE:BKV0006
Normalizáló Maszk - ARCMASZKOK

Normalizáló Maszk - ARCMASZKOK

This very gentle cream-mask helps restore the comfort and radiance of fragile and sensitive skin thanks to a cocktail of soothing, moisturizing and repairing active ingredients.
Arctisztító Tej

Arctisztító Tej

enrichi à l’extrait d’Aubépine, à l’eau de Bleuet et à l’huile d’Olive extra-vierge Nous avons étudié la formulation de nos cosmétiques pour les rendre remarquables et répondre aux besoins de nos clients qui souhaitent allier beauté et naturel. Chaque élément est étudié, choisi avec soin pour atteindre un équilibre parfait entre ses propriétés curatives naturelles et ses parfums. Ces élixirs de beauté allient efficacité et bien-être. En plus de nourrir la peau en profondeur, ils dévoilent son éclat naturel.
Energetikus Hidra Gél - Organikus Arcápolás

Energetikus Hidra Gél - Organikus Arcápolás

The passage of a razor blade sensitizes the skin. Between microcuts and irritations, the skin needs to be soothed. In the form of a balm or gel or cream, the application of an after-shave product is the essential final gesture to perfect the shave, because it allows : tosoothe the skin to promote the healing of cuts tomoisturize the skin tobring a feeling of freshness To choose your aftershave, it is best to rely on your skin type : For dry skin : it is advisable to use an after-shave balm, which in addition to soothing will also moisturize the skin. For oily skin : it is advisable to use an alcohol-free after-shave cream or gel, which tones the skin . For normal skin : balm or aftershave cream, it is a matter of taste and preference. SKU:G00111


UVA + UVB protection High protection Pigmentation control Vit. A, Vit. E , coconut oil A special complex of filters, vitamins A, E, rose water, coconut and almond oil for high and effective skin protection. Hydrates and protects against premature aging. Code:3800201866767 WEIGHT:0.150 kg
Revilab Anti-A.G.E. - Revilab készítmények

Revilab Anti-A.G.E. - Revilab készítmények

Revilab Anti-A.G.E. — highly effective anti-aging preparation with powerful deglycation and antioxidant effect guaranteeing the fastest and intensive effect in fight against protein degradation and age changes of skin. Effective and stable action of this anti-aging preparation is based on stimulation of degliсation process, influencing deep processes of skin aging, promoting wrinkle smoothing and elasticity increase. Includes a powerful complex for fight against glycation — rosemary extract, carnosine, taurine, astaxanthin and alpha lipoic acid. Preparation helps to achieve prolonged effect of rejuvenation not for skin only, but also all protein structures of organism. Brand:Revilab peptide preparations Bulk:30 capsules by 0,3 g Expiry date:07.02.2025 Barcode:4627099310993 Article:7010400


Our pharmacy-exclusive brand with functional products for a wide range of applications Colostrum, the valuable ingredient in all LacVital™ products, is nature’s oldest recipe. It is as old as motherhood itself and enriched with an extraordinary concentration of immune factors (antibodies) as well as a unique combination of other important ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and growth factors. LacVital™ has been producing highly concentrated colostrum pharmacy products for human health since 1997 and is therefore one of the pioneers in the field of modern processing of colostrum products. In order to continually expand our knowledge in the area of ​​(cow) first milk, we have always been in close contact and exchange with research institutions such as the universities of Cologne and London. The product portfolio, which has been carefully developed with our expertise over the past 25 years, is now sold exclusively to pharmacies.
DENTICELSO - Szájüregi antiszeptikum szájfekélyek kezelésére érzéstelenítő hatással

DENTICELSO - Szájüregi antiszeptikum szájfekélyek kezelésére érzéstelenítő hatással

Solucion topica que combina dos antibioticos la tirotricina y la acetilsufamida.Eluso de estos dos antibioticos combinados permite la doble accion analgesica y anestesica


Culture hydroponique, 100% biomasse Cannabis certifié et biologique obtenu par culture autorisée Soigneusement sélectionnés pour garantir des normes élevées de qualité et d'uniformité. Ne pas ingérer Valeur THC inférieure à 0,2%
Arc Tonic

Arc Tonic

Die optimale Vorbereitung zur täglichen Pflege Ihrer Haut im Anschluss an die Reinigung, erreichen Sie durch die Kombination des facial toners. Die beruhigende und erfrischende Wirkung durch den hohen Anteil an Hamamelis-Extrakt vermittelt Ihrem Teint schon jetzt ein strahlend frisches Erscheinungsbild. Anwendung: Täglich nach der Reinigung mit einem Wattepad oder mit den Fingerspitzen auf Gesicht und Hals/Decolleté auftragen und leicht einklopfen. Durch die tägliche Anwendung erhöhen Sie die Effektivität der SHARÛ medical beauty Pflegeeigenschaften.


Notre gel exfoliant est conçu pour accompagner les soins du visage. Sa formule riche en actifs végétaux élimine les impuretés et révèle l'éclat de votre peau. Résultat : Un grain de peau lisse, doux et éclatant. Utilisation : Nous recommandons une application hebdomadaire sur peau humide. Masser et rincer à l'eau tiède.Capacité = 80 ml UGS:Gxv Poids:0,1 kg Poids:0,1
FILORGA Lift-Designer Ultra-Lifting Arcszérum 30ml

FILORGA Lift-Designer Ultra-Lifting Arcszérum 30ml

Um sérum ultrarrefirmante que penetra rapidamente na pele e proporciona um efeito antienvelhecimento. Com duplo efeito tensor (biológico + mecânico) está indicado para combater a flacidez cutânea e redefinir o oval do rosto. / Eficácia Lifting Visível [traços alisados + volumes redefinidos]: O complexo Fatores Lifting Plasmáticos combina [fatores celulares + colagénio + ácido hialurónico] pela primeira vez num creme para redensificar e devolver a firmeza à pele. / Dupla ação tensora [biológica + mecânica]: Um duo de ingredientes ativos ultra tensores [imediato + longo prazo] associados a um aplicador roll-on de efeito lifting para estimular o tecido da pele. / Efeito Lifting Visível em 7 dias*! Textura ultrassensorial de rápida penetração que deixa a pele imediatamente mais lisa e uma aparência mais jovem.


csiganyál arckrém - csiganyál és hialuronsav

csiganyál arckrém - csiganyál és hialuronsav

Ricco di bava di lumaca e acido ialuronico, l’uso quotidiano di questo siero riduce i fenomeni ossidanti legati ad invecchiamento e photo-aging e rende la pelle idratata e vellutata.


Arnika kenőcs

Arnika kenőcs

The nourishing cosiMed Arnica Ointment contains valuable Arnica extract, skin-regenerating Panthenol and skin-protecting Vitamin E. It is suitable for the care of dry and stressed skin.
Természetes Intenzív Arcszérum

Természetes Intenzív Arcszérum

Special intensive serum, with strong plumping and relaxing properties. With blueberry, liquorice and cypress extracts, which stimulate and protect collagen production from the effects of oxidising agents, while promoting a toning and protective effect on the blood capillaries. Light and airy, it is not greasy and immediately penetrates deeply, leaving the skin soft and pleasantly moisturised. Paraben-free, alcohol-free, Peg-free, Gmo-free, purified and biodynamized water, functional active ingredients, hypoallergenic fragrance, VegetalOK. SKU:KB0304 Size:15 ml / 0.51 Oz


Microsfere di Acido Ialuronico, catturano l’acqua che normalmente evapora, dalla pelle e agendo come una sorta di “spugna molecolare”, si rigonfiano ed aumentano di volume. In tal modo esercitano una pressione che spinge verso l’alto l’epidermide, riducendo così le rughe più profonde con un autentico effetto filler. Liposomi di Acido Ialuronico, aiutano a diminuire le rughe conferendo volume ed esplicando un’azione idratante, levigante e ristrutturante. Ricca di preziosi ingredienti naturali per una potente azione anti age, la crema ad effetto filler, che riunisce le proprietà delle microsfere di acido ialuronico ai benefici effetti della vitamina C, ridisegna un viso dai contorni morbidi e dalla pelle liscia e tonica.
Arctisztító Hámlasztó

Arctisztító Hámlasztó

Exfoliant pour le visage Kératorégulateur, spécifique pour éliminer les vieilles cellules dévitalisées de la Kératine superficielles, la graisse de la peau et les impuretés des pores, empêchant ainsi les boutons et les points noirs. UGS:EXVMEL02-01
Alpinols The Booster 30ml - Alpinols CBD Arckrém The Booster, 30 ml

Alpinols The Booster 30ml - Alpinols CBD Arckrém The Booster, 30 ml

Für das feuchtigkeitsspendende Gesichtsserum mit CBD und Hyaluronsäure verwendet ALPINOLS ausschließlich natürliche Inhaltsstoffe in Bio-Qualität. Das Serum ist öl- und fettfrei und zieht deshalb besonders schnell in die Haut ein. So kann das Gesichtsserum revitalisierend wirken und gleichzeitig die Haut vor schädlichen Umwelteinflüssen schützen. Direkt nach dem Auftragen sorgt das Serum für einen strahlenden Teint und ein erfrischendes Gefühl auf der Haut.
Arc- és Testpermet 100 ml - 95% Csiga Szérummal

Arc- és Testpermet 100 ml - 95% Csiga Szérummal

Cremă cu textură moale care,datorită conținutului foarte mare de ser pur de melc și unt de shea,este potrivită pentru masajul corpului,hidratând epiderma care va deveni moale ,catifelată și mătăsoasă. Previne semnele îmbătrânirii premature a pielii ce apar din cauza pierderii elasticității,uscăciunii,decolorării și vergeturilor. Spray-ul se folosește împotriva îmbătrânirii pielii,cauzată de relaxarea țesuturilor. Are efect de peliculă,este antibacterian,cicatrizant,regenerant si foarte util în combaterea liniilor de expresie.
ANTI-AGE ÉS ELASTICIZÁLÓ ARCMASZK - egyszer használatos kozmetikai arcmaska

ANTI-AGE ÉS ELASTICIZÁLÓ ARCMASZK - egyszer használatos kozmetikai arcmaska

DESCRIZIONE Con fiori di camelia, vitamine A ed E, ginseng e collagene. Ottimo elisir per contrastare i segni del tempo, dona la sensazione di una pelle più morbida ed elastica. CONTENUTO / CONFEZIONE 1 maschera viso monouso / 25 ml. MODALITÀ D’USO 1. Pulire bene il viso. 2. Aprire e applicare la maschera. 3. Lasciare in posa per 15-20 minuti. 4. Rimuovere e massaggiare il siero restante. AZIONE Anti-age ed elasticizzante.


AZELAC RU es un serum despigmentante con activos liposomados que actúan directamente sobre el origen de las manchas cutáneas homogeneizando el tono de la piel. Efecto despigmentante, antiinflamatorio y antioxidante, beneficioso incluso para fototipos altos, hiperpigmetnaciones postinflamatorias y melasma.
Biológiai Fungicidák

Biológiai Fungicidák

La photo ne correspond pas au produit pour l'Espagne. Numéro d'enregistrement : 25761 Composition : Huile d'orange 6%
Hialuronsavas Arckrém

Hialuronsavas Arckrém

The HYALURONIC FACE CREAM's breakthrough formula boasts a maximum concentration of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid to ensure a powerful age-delay effect. Its gentle melting texture instantly penetrates skin, transforming it in a flash and replenishing deep skin layers with moisture. It helps smooth wrinkles and even texture, promoting skin's firmness, elasticity and suppleness for a fresh, rested and healthy look. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid features a unique ability to rapidly penetrate into all skin layers, deeply hydrate, promote collagen production and fill in wrinkles from within to give skin youth. Volume:45 ml
30 ml Arcápoló szérum - 75% csiga szérummal

30 ml Arcápoló szérum - 75% csiga szérummal

Ser cu textură ușoarăpotrivit pentru față,gât și decolteu.Previne semnele îmbătrânirii pielii care constau în apariția ridurilor,pierderea elasticității,uscăciune și decolorare. Serul este indicat in special pentru folosirea după intervenții chirurgicale pentru că ajută la cicatrizarea și regenerarea mai rapidă țesuturilor. Antibacterian,cicatrizant,regenerant ,în special este eficient în combaterea ridurilor de expresie.
Juvederm Voluma Lidokainnal (2x1ml) - Juvederm

Juvederm Voluma Lidokainnal (2x1ml) - Juvederm

Juvéderm™ VOLUMA™ includes biocompatible HA which is an injectablefiller which provides patients with instant results which are indeed natural. What is in the box? (2 x 1ml syringes) Uses Fixes the shape of the cheeks and cheekbones in order to achieve a younger and healthier look. Also can be used to increase the fat content in the face which is followed by the loss of weight which have made cheeks become hollow initially. Duration of product after procedure? The effects can be seen for up to eighteen months. Patients who are not recommended to use It is important to understand that our always need to let your physician or doctor know about any allergies, immune diseases and infections you have if you are considering Juvéderm® VOLUMA Reference:33 Condition:New Country of origin:USA